I probably sound like a broken record but we are almost through a quarter of the year how crazy fast has it gone.

Im a bit late but hey, Happy New Year's everyone! I have been quite distant from my blog over the last three years as life has just got in the way and I lost touch with blogging and just enjoyed life for a bit. 2017 taught each of us many, many lessons so let's take them into consideration when starting out this new year. Resolutions rarely last, or at least in my case they don't. So everyday is a new day, with its own goals and its own fresh starts. Even if in the middle of the year you need a fresh start, then restart. It doesn't have to be on January 1st we in my case March 1st. May this year be sweet and pleasant to the eye and to the soul!

This year I want to improve my self control and dedication, in general. Also decreasing procrastination is at the top of my list!

Set yourself new goals all the time. Because everyday is a new start!

Goals. There's no telling what 
you can do when you get inspired by
them. There's no telling what you can do when 
you believe in them. And there's no telling
what will happen when you act upon them.

— Jim Rohn