There are so many fad diets out there Atkins, Keto, Paleo, Plant based or vegan. They are all so complicated either tricky point based diets, expensive supplements and tricky rules makes dieting stressful and complicated - I have tried them all. They all work in some way but they all make losing weight so much more complicated than it has to be, it all comes down to healthy eating.

I have put together a few changes that will help you be a little bit healthier and possibly lose a few pounds.

Ditch the white processed breads.
Change all your processed white breads to wholemeal or grainy breads, white rice to brown or wild rice. Black rice is also great too with extra Vitamin E, cancer fighting properties and it helps inflammation. Start to use more grains like quinoa, buckwheat, lentils, chickpeas and beans to beef up your meals these will help you keep fuller for longer and they are all low GI which will slowly release energy in to your body keeping you active and alert for longer. You wont need to be grabbing that 3pm sugar fix to get you through the day.

Make smoothies or juices.
If you struggle to eat lots of vegetables a good way to incorporate them in to your diet is through smoothies or juices. They contain so many vitamins and minerals that are great for your body. If you hate the taste of spinach or kale try popping them in to your breakfast smoothie with berries and banana and you wont taste a thing. I find smoothies help me stay fuller for longer meaning I eat less calories during the day which leads to losing a few pounds over night.

Fill your plate full of veg.
Most vegetables are low in calorie meaning you can eat more, so why not fill your plate at least half with veg. The veg will fill you up and keep you fuller for longer and the vitamins and minerals will soon start to add up and keep you alert and you'll feel lighter every day.

Eat more lean protein.
Swap out the red meat for more fish and white meat. White meat is more easier to digest and just lighter for the body it contains a lot less fat, leaving you feeling less sluggish. More protein in the diet helps to keep you fuller, meaning you eat less during the day and consuming less calories in the day leaving you dropping a few pounds.

Cut out the crap.
A big thing to change when wanting to lose weight is cutting out the processed crap. I dont mean cutting it all out and going cold turkey, your more likely to crave the food and then binge and keep the weight on. Cutting out most of it or trying to find healthy alternatives of the food you love is the best way to do it. I find having a treat at the end of the day or the end of the week helps you keep on track.

So there you go my super easy no fad diet swaps to help you keep on track and lose weight.
