Jet lag oh Jet lag how you love to steal my sleep. I’m a sleepaholic, if I don’t get enough sleep every night, at least 7 hours of sleep I am a grumpy, eye full of bags, bottomless pit for food and just a very unproductive person you could possibly meet… basically what I’m trying to say is that sleep is everything to me and jet lag is a pain in my ass when it really affect me, Especially if you've got work to do.

I’ve done a lot of traveling over the past 3 years that I think it’s safe to say I’m a pretty good kicking jet lag in the butt quickly. After just coming back on a 17 hour flight from South Africa I thought I’d let you in on a couple of things that I found super helpful. So here goes, four ways to kick jet lags butt.

Stay Hydrated All Day, Every Day
First things first, Staying hydrated is KEY… try and drink as much water as possible, even before and during the flight. You lose a lot of water when flying and the air conditioning just dries out the skin not only staying hydrated on the flight but from the minute you land keep sipping on the water will make you feel so much better! One trick I use which is super easy and very obvious, yet works wonders is to always carry a bottle of water on me… preferably one that ~can’t~ fit into your handbag as then you’ve got to drink it cause you’re holding it and it’s annoying af!

Absolutely No Cheeky Power Naps, Not Even One.

This is the hardest part, it all depends on when you land. I find landing in the afternoon is a lot easier to beat the jet lag then landing in the mornings. Over my three years I have done a few early morning arrivals and the best thing is drop your bags at you hotel and go out keep busy all day and don't come back to the hotel until after dinner to check in. No you cannot “just lay there” for five minutes and you definitely can’t “have an early night” I’m sorry love but you got to stay up and stay awake for as long as you can. I usually have a rule that if I can make it to 9PM I’m all good and usually it works. If you back at home and are trying to get back into routine by setting your alarms the normal time you wake up and even if you don't get a good sleep get up and keep busy for the whole day and don't go to bed till after 8pm. Just no naps OKAY!

Stay Calm, Even At 4AM
When we came back from South Africa my jet lag was awful, the worst it has ever been. I was awake at 3am every morning for a week. Sleeping in every morning and basically became and big ol' walking zombie. The key thing about this is to keep calm when you wake up, If you do wake up and feel dread sweep over you because OMG it’s still dark outside, don’t panic. Listen to your body, take a deep breath, pop a podcast on and just relax. my favourite thing to do is to listen to my Calm app, try it - it’s so Calming ~ eventually fall back asleep.

A few Other Items That Have Helped

1above flight drink
This works deep sleep pillow spray

There we have it, my three ways to (fingers crossed) keep you feeling fresh! What’re your top tips?

S xx